Sunday, December 16, 2012

Video of the action/街頭活動:挑戰裸身時間兩個小時半

Action: Challenge to stand naked for 2.5 hours.
When: 15. Dec. 2012. 12:30-15:00 / Where: Alexanderplatz, Berlin
時間:2012年/12月/15日 12:30分至15:00/地點:柏林亞歷山大廣場

About the Action:

How long can a person stand naked in winter's snowy winter chill? How long can an guiltless life be wasted in prison? Last December in Berlin, I stood naked for 1.5 hours to try to get attention for this cause. This Saturday, on Dec 15, 2012, I will challenge myself to stand naked for 2.5 hours in order to remind the world of the 2.5 years Bradley Manning, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and American soldier, has been incarcerated. I want to use this protest to remind the public not to forget Bradley Manning, a prisoner of conscience. Please monitor his case to save his life and give him a chance to earn his freedom again!

Who Is Bradley Manning:
The young soldier, Bradley Manning, stood for his conscience to let this world know the Wars Crimes, like helicopter massacre in Iraq, and other Material like Guantanamo Bay files by WikiLeak. Thank of Manning and WikiLeak, we have the chance to watch over these cases and make them better for this world.

Bradley Manning,他是一位美國士兵,一位選擇了良心的士兵。他讓這個世界有機會知道不人道的戰爭罪行,例如在伊拉克的直升機屠殺事件、又例如關塔那摩灣監獄檔案等等反人道案件,這些文件是曼寧透過維基解密網站披露出來的。感謝曼寧士兵與維基解密網站,讓我們有機會得知這些案件並有機會透過公眾的力量去改善、改變這個世界。

What Is Manning's Current Status:
However, because of that, on Monday, December 17, Bradley Manning is going to have his third birthday in an American military prison. He is charged with 22 crimes and if convicted faces life in prison or the death penalty. He went to prison when he was 22 years old. He is going to be 25 years old and still has not had a preliminary trial.

What I Hope This World to Notice:
1.Telling crimes of Wars is not a crime, even when it will leak other classified information. Any action of this kind should be guiltless and be protected under the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

2.Information should be free, no Government are allowed to decide what you are allowed to know: 
No government has the right, or reason, to hide any information in any kind of medium. Also no government may press demonize or create propaganda in any media.


3.These rules are also valid and apply to WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning.

My Petition:
1.The EU and US President Obama, who are winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, should help Bradley Manning to obtain his freedom.

2.Remember Bradley Manning: he has done something for us, for this world, for his conscience.

2. 請記得曼寧士兵:他為我們、為了這個世界、為了他的良心做了件好事。

Yours sincerely,
Jason Búo-Shù Huang

黃柏樹 敬上    /

Friday, December 14, 2012

Berlin, Alexanderplatz. Challenge to stand naked for 2.5 hours.

Action: Challenge to stand naked for 2.5 hours.
When: 15. Dec. 2012. 12:30-15:00 / Where: Alexanderplatz, Berlin
About the Action:

How long can a person stand naked in winter's snowy winter chill? How long can an guiltless life be wasted in prison? Last December in Berlin, I stood naked for 1.5 hours to try to get attention for this cause. This Saturday, on Dec 15, 2012, I will challenge myself to stand naked for 2.5 hours in order to remind the world of the 2.5 years Bradley Manning, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and American soldier, has been incarcerated. I want to use this protest to remind the public not to forget Bradley Manning, a prisoner of conscience. Please monitor his case to save his life and give him a chance to earn his freedom again!
Who Is Bradley Manning:
The young soldier, Bradley Manning, stood for his conscience to let this world know the Wars Crimes, like helicopter massacre in Iraq, and other Material like Guantanamo Bay files by WikiLeak. Thank of Manning and WikiLeak, we have the chance to watch over these cases and make them better for this world.

What Is Manning's Current Status:
However, because of that, on Monday, December 17, Bradley Manning is going to have his third birthday in an American military prison. He is charged with 22 crimes and if convicted faces life in prison or the death penalty. He went to prison when he was 22 years old. He is going to be 25 years old and still has not had a preliminary trial.

What I Hope This World to Notice:
1.Telling crimes of Wars is not a crime, even when it will leak other classified information. Any action of this kind should be guiltless and be protected under the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

2.Information should be free, no Government are allowed to decide what you are allowed to know: 
No government has the right, or reason, to hide any information in any kind of medium. Also no government may press demonize or create propaganda in any media.

3.These rules are also valid and apply to WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning.

My Petition:
4.The EU and US President Obama, who are winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, should help Bradley Manning to obtain his freedom.
5.Remember Bradley Manning; he has done something for us, for this world, for his conscience.

Yours sincerely,
Jason Búo-Shù Huang    /

Friday, March 2, 2012



中國時報/ 2012/02/28
挪威諾貝爾委員會(Nobel Institute)廿七日宣布,今年共有二百卅一件角逐諾貝爾和平獎的提名,人選包括美國前總統柯林頓、把機密文件洩漏給「維基解密」爆料網站的美國士兵曼寧(Bradley Manning),以及被以濫權罪名判刑入獄的烏克蘭前美女總理季莫申科等。

Monday, January 23, 2012

Leiden in der Kälte, ums Gewissen der Welt zu wecken

Leiden in der Kälte, ums Gewissen der Welt zu wecken

Stell Dir vor, eine Armee massakriert Zivilisten und du hast eine Chance, du könntest entweder nichts tun um das Gesetz und den Befehl zu folgen, oder du könntest dein Gewissen wählen. Würdest du dein Gewissen wählen um Menschen zu retten oder Teil der mitschuldigen Struktur zu werden?

Ich bin ein taiwanischer Student. Da bin ich nackt, weil der amerikanische Soldate Bradley Manning gerade eine extreme Schmerz von 1,5 Jahr U-Haft-Zeit leidet und jeden Tag von eine lebenslange Haft gedroht wird. Ich will verstehen wie er sich fühlt, daher werde ich hier auch 1,5 Stunde nackt sein.

Wien, auf der Kärntnerstraße (Neben Stephansdom)

Am 23.01.2012, um 12 Uhr bis 13:30.

Wer ist Bradley Manning:

Er war ein US-Soldate für Informationsdienst in Irak. Da er nicht mehr die Info sehen wie seine Armee die irakischen Zivilisten misshändeln und massakrieren, hat er geheimes Videomaterial und Kriegsdokumenten an die Web-Plattform WikiLeaks weiterge­geben haben, um die Welt die Wahrheit erfahren zu lassen und um die Menschen zu retten. 2010 wurde er festgenommen. Bisher ist es schon über 1,5 Jahr gewesen und er ist noch immer in der U-Haft, das Datum seines ersten Prozesses vom US-Militärgericht ist nicht einmal festgestellt. Er wird in 22 Punkten wie z.B. "Hilfe für den Feind (Aiding the Enemy)", worauf die Todesstrafe und lebenslange Freiheitstrafe stehen, von der US-Regierung angeklagt.       

Dies ist nicht das erste Mal in der Geschichte. 1971 war der Amerikaner Daniel Ellsberg, der damalige Militäranalyst, unzufrieden, dass die Regierung Leute vor der Wahrheit des Vietnamkrieges täuschte. Er nahm einen Bericht, der später als Pentagon-Papiere von der Welt genannt, und gab die Kopie an die New York Times und die Washington Post. Die Medien und er wurden angeklagt, jedoch später fand der US-Oberster-Gerichtshof sie unschuldig.

Als ein Taiwaner habe ich viele Arbeite und Bemühungen für verschiedene Freiheiten und Menschenrechte von den USA gesehen und gehört. Jedoch ist die Mannings jetztige Notlage einem, wer für Presse- und Meinungs-Freiheit und Recht auf Gewissensfreiheit, welche die Allgemeine Eklärung der Menschenrechte garantiert, unvorstellbar und untragbar. Ich glaube, ein Soldate braucht vor einem ungerechten System sehr großen Mut, um sein Gewissen zu wählen und Menschen zu retten. Genau wie die ungehörsame österreichische und deutsche Soldaten, wer während des zweiten Weltkrieges heimlich Juden zur Flucht halfen. Diese Art Tapferkeit und Gewissen bewegt mich zutiefst. Daher stehe ich heute in der Kälte, um seine Geschichte nochmal zu erzählen. Ich hoffe, ich könnte die Gewissen der Welt und der USA durch diese Aktion auf der Straße wecken. Hiermit will ich auch die folgende Ersuchen an die amerikanische Regierung verkünden,

Meine Petition:
1. Die US-Regierung soll den Soldaten Bradley Manning freigeben.
2. Falls er schuldigt beurteilt würde, soll US-Präsident Obama Bradley Manning, gemäß der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte Artikel 18, dass jeder das Recht auf die Gewissensfreiheit hat, und den Artikel 19, dass Jeder hat das Recht, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten, begnadigen.

(Die Leute fragen an...) 

(Sie sind gegangen und lesen davon)

 (Die zwei Damen sind für Unterschreiben zurückgegangen, um Manning zu unterstützen)

(+ 5 oC.....echt kalt.........!)

Jason Búo-Shù Huang

Web:     E-mail:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Action in Vienna on Monday/星期一在維也納街頭請求世界的良心

Suffering in the Cold,  Awaken the World’s Conscience
Imagine an army massacres civilians and you have a choice. You could comply with the laws and do nothing, or you could choose your conscience and take action.   Would you save people or become part of the oppressive machine?

On Monday(2012/01/23) on Kärntnerstraße in Vienna, I will remove my clothes and stand in the winter cold for 1,5 hour, in order to awaken consciences of  the World and the American government, bring light to the story of a brave soldier who listened to his conscience and took action.

2012/01/23, at 12:00 to 13:30

Vienna, on Kärntnerstraße.
(Where next to Stephansdom)

Action Contents:
The American soldier Mr. Bradley Manning has received incredibly unjust treatment.   He has been locked up for a year and half now and still has no sign of receiving a trial date, I want to understand his feeling, so starting to stand naked in the winter cold for one and a half hours in the hope that this will awake the American government’s conscience and the consciences of the citizens of the world.

Who is Bradley Manning:
Manning was an intelligence analyst for the American Army in Iraq.  Because he could not accept his daily exposure to evidence of the American army abusing Iraqi civilians, he chose to follow his conscience.  Manning secretly stole files and videos and gave them to WikiLeaks..  In 2010 he was arrested by the army and is still awaiting trial.  He is charged with 22 crimes and if convicted, faces life in prison or the death penalty.  He went to prison when he was 22 years old.  He is now 24 years old and still has not had a preliminary trial.

This is not the first case of this kind.  In 1971 the American intelligence analyst, Daniel Elsberg, was dissatisfied with deceiving the public about the truth on the battlefield in Vietnam.  He took a report, later called the Pentagon Papers, and gave copies to the New York Times and the Washington Post.  The media were sued, but the Supreme Court found them innocent. 

As a Taiwanese citizen, I have witnessed and heard of many Americans fighting for many different types of freedoms and human rights.  But Manning’s plight has instilled in me a deep sorrow and anger for this injustice.  I’m really moved by this soldier choosing his conscience and being brave enough to disobey the unjust system.  It surely required an incredible amount of courage.  It reminds me of the few disobedient German soldiers during World War II who secretly helped Jews escape genocide.  This type of incomparable valor and moral conscience, be it in days gone by or today, must surely move us all.  Therefore, I hope through my protest on the street, I can give his story another telling to inform Americans and people from all over the world.  At the same time I want to announce the following request to the American government.

My Petition:
1. The American government immediately release Bradley Manning.
2. President Obama pardons Bradley Manning in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 which ensures that everyone have the right to freedom of conscience, and Article 19 which ensures that everyone has the right to “receive and impart information and ideas through and media and regardless of frontiers.”

Jason Búo-Shù Huang

How to contact me:
Web:    E-mail:







我是一名台灣的學生。因為覺得美國士兵Bradley Manning報導真相卻遭受到這個世界不公平的對待,被關了一年半至今卻連審判的日期都還未知,我想要瞭解他的感受,所以我今日會在冬天裸身一個半小時,希望能喚起美國政府與更多世界人民的良心,也盼能喚起大家對他的記憶。如果你願意出一份力量救人的話,請幫助在連署書上或在我身上簽個名表示對曼寧士兵的支持。

關於Bradley Manning

在歷史上也曾發生過這樣的事件。1971年美國人Daniel Ellsberg擔任越戰情報分析工作,因不滿當時政府欺騙民眾在戰地的真相,把完成的報告(後稱為五角大廈文件, Pentagon Papers)拷貝一份交給了紐約時報與華盛頓郵報後與媒體一同被起訴,後來美國大法官釋憲宣告他們無罪。身為一個台灣人,我目睹過也耳聞過許多美國人在爭取許多不同的自由權和人權上的努力與事蹟。但是Bradley Manning至今所遭受的處境卻讓我深感憤慨與悲哀。我深受Bradley Manning的事蹟感動,對我而言,一位士兵為了良心而選擇作出違抗不公義的體制和大環境是需要很大的勇氣的,如同第二次世界大戰時也曾有些許德國士兵選擇違抗軍令,偷偷放猶太人一條生路,這樣無比的勇氣與良心無論是在昔日或今日皆令人動容,因此我希望能透過我街頭的行為,把他們的故事再說一次給大家聽,希望能夠再度喚起美國與世界各地的良心,同時我也要提出我對美國政府的請求。

1.  美國政府能馬上釋放士兵Bradley Manning先生。
2.  美國歐巴馬總統能特赦士兵Bradley Manning先生,以盡美國在世界人權宣言與人權公約第十八條良心權與第十九條媒體自由傳播權上一直以來的堅持與榜樣。

台灣學生 黃柏樹 敬上

Tuesday, January 10, 2012




Sunday, January 8, 2012

Taiwanese reports/相關報導快速匯集


Video News/影像新聞:

[寒風裸身抗議 連香腸伯都被感動... ]

[裸體聲援美國大兵 黃柏樹盼公理正義出現]

PeoPo 公民新聞

Other News in Chinese/其他新聞:

學生冬日裸身 籲美釋放曼寧

寒風中裸跪 聲援美士兵

請求世界良心 台灣學生為美軍士兵裸身請命

台灣/留德學生冬日裸身 籲美釋放曼寧

男大生裸身供簽名 聲援被囚美大兵

